Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Mind is blown.

Yes. My mind is blown by all the thoughts.
and lately cant seem to find my real self.its all the other side of me.the cautious one.
I have to admit i am a super sensitive human being ever in this world.
It's totally not ok to have this ability,it just blow your mind away and you can't see
m to concentrate anything surrounds you.
and after all this,i finally realise that its all me.
Its the perfection that i looking for,its me who being so greedy wanting everything that exist.
i was so wrong in the first place.thought its gonna be a smooth and a happy journey.
I thought that everything is just gonna happen as what i think and said.
sadly,the most important thing in this uni for me is no longer exist.
is this 4 years gonna be memorable as high school?i doubt that but i still cant deny anything yet.
things just changes second by second and you never know.
I'm not trying to be emo here just that the circumstances now makes me think is there any purpose Im being in this place?
to become a great pharmacist?to meet great friends and go through this 4 years together?
Its just some random day without class.I wont remember this day but i will remember this blog when i read back in the future.
no doubt misses my high school and college buddies.
miss that kind of feeling when the eye contacts between us is so real.
Its me who cause myself miserable and desperate,but too bad I dont have cure for that.
all I can do is to heal myself one day by one day.
try not to think too much.

i do want to jump to the sea now all by myself and stay under the sea as long as possible.
Im not trying to commit suicide here.not that stupid.haha
but helping myself to clear my mind a litttle.
hoping to redefine my life now.
dont laugh at me or thought im being emo or some psycho,im sure you gonna been through this stage just like me.

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